Tema Europeana
The European Union Constitutional Treaty:
quest for efficiency and effectiveness?
The debate surrounding the European Union
Constitutional Treaty has been and continues to be a
contentious one firstly because it represents a major
project for the future of the EU. Secondly, the debate
raises major questions about the inter-institutional
balance of power within an extended Union and on the
distribution of power between the Union and the member
states (Nugent & Paterson, 2004, p.100). Within this
general debate, the specific issue of whether the EU
would be more efficient and effective under the new
Constitutional Treaty provisions has been an important
The purpose of this article is to examine this
possibility. I will not take into consideration the
debate about the ratification process, which is a
separate subject, but about the efficiency and effective
functioning of the EU, in the case of a ratified
Constitutional Treaty, alone. The topic, nonetheless, is
a complex one, starting for instance with what is the
meaning of concepts likes ‘efficiency’ or ‘effective
functioning’, and continuing with how the efficiency can
be measured. We must also consider what criteria allow
us to appreciate whether the EU will be more efficient
than today under the new Constitutional Treaty clauses.
Some scholars describe efficiency in terms of time
length between a Commission proposal and a Council
decision (Schultz & Konig, 2000). Others take into
consideration not only the speed but also the volume of
the legislation adopted (Golub, 1999). Although such
approaches could say something about efficiency in
quantitative terms, they do not tell us anything about
the overall performance in qualitative terms, for
example, is the EU’s decision-making machinery an
efficient one or not? (Neyer, 2004, p.22). A clearer
definition was issued by the European Commission through
its White Paper on Reform. Efficiency refers to “the
challenge of ensuring maximum results with limited
resources” (European Commission, 2000, p.8) which is the
economic meaning of the concept of efficiency (Egeberg,
2003, p.134). In another document of the European
Commission, the White Paper on Governance, the term
‘effectiveness’ encompasses the fact that ‘policies must
be effective and timely, delivering what is needed on
the basis of clear objectives, an evaluation of future
impact and, where available, of past experience’
(European Commission, 2001, p.10).
I will argue that the Constitutional Treaty will not
increase ‘significantly’ the efficiency and effective
functioning of the Union, because it does not represent
a major shift compared to the previous Treaties. This
main feature of the EU Constitutional Treaty is the
effect of national preferences aggregation, defended by
member states during the Convention and
Intergovernmental Conference.
Therefore, this paper will comprise three sections.
Firstly, I will attempt to understand what the current
relation is between the decision-making process and the
EU’s efficiency and effectiveness. Secondly, I will
examine briefly the national positions exposed during
the negotiation process. Finally, I will analyze the
decision-making mechanism as it is envisaged by the
Constitutional Treaty.
How efficient and
effective is the EU’s decision-making mechanism?
Analyzing the EU decision-making process, Neill Nugent
considers that ‘what is distinctive about the EU … is
the sheer range and complexity of its processes: a host
of actors, operating within the context of numerous EU
and national institutions, interact with one another on
the basis of an array of different decision-making rules
and procedures’ (Nugent, 2003, p.332).
An exhaustive and comprehensive analysis of the
decision-making process and its implication on the
efficiency and effective functioning of the EU raises a
lot of problems, from this perspective, and even if one
takes into consideration the most important institutions
involved in this process alone, the challenge is not
less difficult.
The existing analyses lead to different results and
explanations for the efficiency of the decision- making
mechanism. For instance, by examining the number of EU
directives adopted between 1974 and 1995, Jonathan Golub
found that, contrary to the common opinion that the
introduction of qualified majority voting system has
increased the efficiency of decision-making process, the
empirical data suggested that there is no such evident
relation. Thus, during 1987-1992 the majority voting had
a positive effect on speed but no more than during
1979-1983 because the decision-making process was
constrained by additional parliamentary procedures and
by the delayed and legislative backlog. After the Single
European Act and later on Maastricht, the increased
involvement of the Parliament further encumbered the
legislative process (Golub, 1999, p.759). The
explanation offered by Golub rests on the ‘emergence of
a veto culture’ that went hand in hand with the
expansion of qualified majority voting.
Analyzing the time lag between Commission proposal and
Council decision, Schultz and Konig asserted that the
EU’s institutional reform significantly affected the
efficiency of the decision-making process in four ways,
the use of qualified majority voting decreases the
proposal-decision time lag, the involvement of the
Parliament increases the time lag, the time lag is
longer in the case of core EU policies than in case of
other policies and, finally, Directives have longer time
lag than Regulations or Decisions (Shultz & Keonig,
2000, p.665).
Although the two analyses produced different results on
the efficiency of decision making process, both of them
led to the conclusion that the European Parliament
affects the length of the decision-making process.
However, it is not very clear whether the
decision-making mechanism under the current treaties has
a positive influence on the efficiency and effective
functioning of the EU, different analyses giving
contradictory results. The efficiency and effectiveness
does not depend on the institutional arrangements alone
but, in many cases, on the national preferences of the
member states involved in the decision-making process.
The national preference
as driving forces in shaping the EU Constitutional
Andrew Moravcsik defined national preferences as an
ordered and weighted set of values placed on future
substantive outcomes …that might result from
international political interaction’ (Moravcsik, 1999,
p.24). This means that the results of political
bargaining depend more on the previous institutional
choice, for instance the option to adopt decisions by
majority rather than unanimity. The Constitutional
Treaty might be seen in this context as the outcome of a
negotiation process in which a variety of policy actors
have tried to shift the EU’s institutional path in the
direction that suits their substantive preferences
(Devuyst, 2004, p. 2).
In order to assess the tendency of national preferences
in connection to the institutional reform, it is useful
to utilize a scale-index ranging from communautaire to
intergovernmental positions. A synthesis of national
positions was elaborated by the Irish Institute of
European Affairs. According to this, the Benelux states
and the European Commission have the most obvious
communautaire approach. Greece, Finland and Ireland have
a quasi-communautaire position, and Austria, Portugal,
Sweden, Denmark and Italy a quasi-intergovernmental one.
France and Germany are considered as having an
intergovernmental-federal vision while Spain and United
Kingdom are fully intergovernmental in their preferences
(Institute of European Affairs, 2003). The
communautaire, i.e. supranational, preferences envisaged
an elected Commission by the European Parliament or
directly, a reduction in the number of commissioners, a
rotating presidency of the Council, no permanent chair
for each council, public meetings, no full presidency
for the European Council, and an extension of
co-decision procedure. The opposite register, i.e.
intergovernmental, favoured the current procedure to
elect the Commission’s president, by the European
Council with the Parliament approval and it agreed the
downsizing in the number of the Commissioners.
Meanwhile, it was unfavourable to making completely
public the Council’s works. The team presidency for the
Council, and full time president of the European
Council, appointed by head of states, are other themes
supported by the intergovernmental group of states.
Summarizing all these positions mean more governmental
control and the European Council as source of
The Constitutional
Treaty and the decision making mechanism
One of the main goals of the Constitutional Treaty was
to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the
decision-making mechanism against the background of the
extensive enlargement. However, finally, the text
encompasses many safeguard clauses shaped to preserve a
high degree of Member States control over the
decision-making process. Clauses like veto-rights and
blocking options should hamper the dynamics of
decision-making (Devuyst, 2004, p.4).
Council of Ministers
One of the most important changes (and a contentious one
during the negotiations) brought by the Constitutional
Treaty is the new decision-making system within the
Council. The new clauses create two basic regimes, one
that is to apply before 1 November 2009, and the other
after this date (Dashwood & Johnston, 2004, p.1493). The
Nice Treaty provided a threshold for qualified majority
in the case of an EU with 15 member states at 169 votes
out of 237 (71.31%) while in an enlarged EU (27 Member
States), the qualified majority was set at 258 votes out
of 345 (73.91%) and the blocking minority at 88, rising
to 92 with the accession of the twenty-seventh Member
State. Supplementary, a Member State could calls for the
verification of qualified majority required to adopt a
decision (the threshold is at least 62% of the total
population of the Union). These three majority
(threshold of weighted votes, majority of Member States
and 62% of the population of the Union) established by
the Treaty of Nice were replaced by a double majority
which, apparently, helped simplify the whole process.
The Constitutional Treaty provides that qualified
majority ‘shall be defined as at least 55% of the
members of the Council, comprising at least fifteen of
them and representing Member States comprising at least
65% of the population of the Union. A blocking minority
must include at least four Council members, failing
which the qualified majority shall be deemed attained’
(Art. I-25 CT). The same article provides that ‘when the
Council does not act on a proposal from the Commission
or from the Union Minister for Foreign Affairs, the
qualified majority shall be defined as at least 72% of
the members of the Council, representing Member States
comprising at least 65% of the population of the Union’.
Part of the decision-making mechanism, the ‘enhanced
cooperation’ is not a novelty, because it is an
innovation of the Amsterdam Treaty. Due to the
strictness of the conditions required, the enhanced
cooperation was never used. The Constitutional Treaty
changes the minimum number of participating Member
States, from the current eight out of fifteen to
one-third of Member States (Art. I-44).
Comparing this new system with the previous one, an
analysis of the Centre for Economic Policy Reform
concludes that it will make it as easy for 25 or more
member-states to agree on a measure as it was when the
EU only had 12 members before 1995 (Centre for European
Reform, 2004, p.2). The apprehension of Spain and Poland
that a group of three biggest member states could oppose
an initiative supported by all small and medium-sized
member states followed to a threshold for blocking
minority of at least four countries. Moreover, the
Council would be forced to do its best in order to
achieve a satisfactory solution in a reasonable time if
a group of member states smaller than a blocking
minority is opposed to the adaptation of a particular
measure. This fact would have as a result all but a
simplification of decision-making in the Council
(Devuyst, 2004, p.4). From the perspective of the
extension of the qualified majority voting system, the
Constitutional Treaty reduces the number of the areas
requiring unanimity. A total of forty-four policy areas
entered under the qualified majority voting system but
excepting the justice and home affairs, the majority of
these are of minor importance (Centre for European
Reform, 2004, p.2). The same was true in the case of
qualified majority extension introduced by the Treaty of
Nice, the thirty-seven new provisions covered by this
being relatively uncontentious and not very significant
political matters (Nugent, 2003).
Certain particularly provisions seems to be inserted,
especially to facilitate the decision-making mechanism
and further integration. For instance, Art. I-40 (7)
provides that ‘European Council may, unanimously, adopt
a European decision authorizing the Council to act by a
qualified majority in cases other than those referred to
in Part III’. According to Art. III-300 (4) this ‘shall
not apply to decisions having military or defense
implications’. But the Constitution reduced the
effectiveness of this bridging clause providing for
national parliaments to block the decision of the
European Council.
One further transitional safeguard allows a group of
member-states (equal to three-quarters of the usual
blocking minority) to ask for reconsideration by the
Council of a contentious measure “with a view to finding
a compromise”. This mechanism, somehow similar to the
so-called “Ioannina compromise”, already exists but has
never been used (Centre for European Reform, 2004).
European Parliament
The reform of the European Parliament targeted the
extension of powers in the Union’s decision-making
procedures and the creation of a new system of
distributing seats between the Member States to face the
challenges of enlargement. The Constitutional Treaty’s
answer (Art. I-20) for the second theme was to increase
the number of members to 750 (minimum 6 maximum 96 per
state) while the final number of members distributed on
the basis of regressive proportionality will be decided
by the European Council, acting unanimously, before the
European elections of 2009.
The main feature of the recent history of the European
Parliament is the constant growth of power consistent
with consecutive treaty revision. Through the
generalization of co-decision as the ‘ordinary
legislative procedure’ the EU Parliament will be the
Council’s equal partner in the policy areas where
co-decision is the law-making procedure (Dashwood &
Johnson, 2004, p.1483). As I have already illustrated
above, it is disputable if the extension of co-decision
procedure will determined an increase in term of
decision-making efficiency and effectiveness. The
positive aspect rest on the increased legitimacy of the
policy making but, on the other hand, this is not
necessarily reflected on the overall performance in the
EU’s functioning.
European Commission
The most important changes regarding the European
Commission, due to enlargement, were the number of
commissioners and the election of the president.
The initial proposal of the Conventions shaped a system
of commissioners with and without voting rights. This
was rejected later in favour of a system based on a
commissioner per states principle, similar to the Treaty
of Nice system according to which, until 2014 the
Commission will consist of one commissioner from each
member state. After that, according to Art I-26 (6)
‘…the Commission shall consist of a number of members,
including its President and the Union Minister for
Foreign Affairs, corresponding to two thirds of the
number of Member States, unless the European Council,
acting unanimously, decides to alter this number’. It is
not at all clear whether the European Council will use
this open door to increase the number of commissioners
but it is sure that this aspect was a necessary
compromise to reach an agreement. The tough negotiation
during Intergovernmental Conference clearly showed that
member states are not willing to cease their right to
appoint a commissioner. But the final form of the
Constitutional Treaty brought an important change in the
commissioner appointment procedure stating that member
states make suggestions but it is up to the Council, by
common accord with the President nominee, to adopt by
qualified majority votes the list that will be subject
of Parliament approval (Craig, 2004, p.13).
If the size of the Commission was a contentious one, not
least was the case of the President of the Commission.
The member states were not willing to give up the power
to nominate the President. Thus, the only significant
change was that the European Council has to take
explicitly into account the result of the European
election before proposing a candidate to the Parliament
for approval (Art I-27). The result will not do much to
enhance the legitimacy of the Commission (Craig, 2004,
European Council
The European Council is for the first time included in
the EU institutional framework (Art. I-19). More than
that, the Constitutional Treaty established a new
function, namely the president of the European Council.
The chair will be held for two and a half years. The
main reason for this change seems to be the fact that in
an enlarged Union, the task to prepare the meeting of
European Council becomes more difficult for the head of
state or government who has to manage simultaneously the
six-months rotating presidency and the domestic mandate
(Dashwood & Johnson, 2004, p.1491).
Two major implications stem from these changes. First of
all, it is recognized that the European Council plays a
key role in driving further the integration process. In
turn, this recognition has some consequences on EU
system as a whole. The relation between the European
Council, the Council of Ministers, the Parliament and
the Commission will consolidate the role of the first as
a leading force in setting the agenda and priorities and
adopting the key decisions. Moreover, it reflects the
intergovernmental essence of the EU political system.
The EU Minister for
Foreign Affairs
It is far from certain if the position of Minister for
Foreign Affairs, the so-called ‘double-hat’ merger, will
increase the efficiency of the decision making process
in the field of the EU external relations. What kind of
competencies are related with the EU CFSP as long as
this does not fall within none of the three categories
of competences defined by the Constitutional Treaty,
namely exclusive, shared or competence to support,
coordinate or supplement action by the Member States
(Cremona 2003; Wessels 2004). There are some doubts that
the post-holder will be able to carry on all range of
powers entrusted. Much will depend on the profile of the
person who will hold the chair and the way in which the
External Action Service will be set up (Missiroli 2004;
Keane 2005). The new institutional architecture in the
field of external relations will increase the executive
power of the Commission compared to the actual dominant
position of the European Council and the Council of
Ministers (Craig, 2004, p.39) but this fact would create
confused area of vague political responsibility, in
which the Minister for Foreign Affairs might suffer from
suspicion by both Council and Commission that this
person is a ‘Trojan horse’ of the rival institution’
(Thym, 2004, p.21).
The main purpose of this article was to explore the
relation between the decision-making process as
independent variable and efficiency and effectiveness as
dependent variables. At the same time, I intended to
deliver an opinion on whether the Constitutional Treaty
will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the
European Union. Nonetheless, the topic is a very broad
one and could be addressed from various perspectives.
First, I aimed to understand what the relation between
the decision-making process and the efficiency of the EU
is. I have done this by looking at some quantitative
analyses with different outputs and even contrasting
results. This showed that some widespread opinions, for
instance that the extension of qualified majority voting
will increase the efficiency of decision making, might
be false or not necessarily so evident.
Second, starting from the point that the national
interests have played an important role during the
negotiation of the Constitutional Treaty, I tried to
examine national preferences in connection with major
points of interest.
Third, I attempted to summarize the most important
feature brought by the Constitutional Treaty in relation
with the decision-making mechanism. To do this I looked
at the more or less new features of the EU’s
institutions and decision-making process. I observed
that in many cases the Constitutional Treaty is not a
major breakthrough compared to the previous treaties.
This is because member states, and especially big
states, preferred to maintain the status-quo rather than
to move further too fast. This fact explains the
important number of contentious and sensitive issues
which are postponed. At the same time, the requirements
for smooth functioning with 25 and more member states
still imposed a number of changes. The most important is
the case of simplifying the legislative procedure, for
instance bringing together the consultation and assent
procedure under the ’special legislative procedure’
while co-decision procedure is retained unchanged,
becoming the ‘ordinary legislative procedure’.
’The EU … is a political, economic, social and legal
hybrid that is characterized by a combination of
federal, confederal, supranational and intergovernmental
features’ (Burges, 2004, p.40). The Constitutional
Treaty reflects the entire complexity and diversity of
this framework, the competition and convergence of
centripetal and at the same time centrifugal forces. The
EU Constitutional Treaty does not create a European
super-state but confirms the fact that member states
grant the EU power to act in certain defined areas of
policy (Centre for European Reform, 2004, p.8). With
respect to certain points, the EU will be more effective
under the new Constitutional Treaty provisions but this
not an overall characteristic. Generally, the efficiency
will be a sort of learning by doing process, not one
given by the broader framework of Constitution. The
emergency brake, the postponed sensitive issues, the
opened windows of opportunity should affect the
efficiency and effectiveness in a positive or negative
sense. Even if the EU Constitutional Treaty is ratified,
the decision making process will continue to be a
complex and difficult one and the efficiency will depend
on certain factors, affecting the developments of the
whole system.
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- Absolvent Facultatea de Drept ‘Simion Barnutiu’ din
cadrul Universitatii ‘Lucian Blaga’ din Sibiu, promotia
2000. Masterand Scoala Nationala de Studii Politice si
Administrative, specializarea Relatii Internationale si
Integrare Europeana. Absolvent Programul Chevening
Fellowship in Studii Europene, European Research
Institute, Universitatea Birmingham, Marea Britanie.